Linear ceiling lights and boat led strips

Linear ceiling lights for boat lighting suitable for bathroom engine compartments or under booms and roll bars. Flexible and self-adhesive boat led strips with connector for series connection.
Linear ceiling lights and LED strips
Often it is necessary to equip the boat with additional lights, quick to install and able to meet a need for light, linear ceiling lights for boats often need only two screws to be installed, many light bars for boats present here can be positioned with double-sided tape or even a flying attachment that allows quick removal. The LED strips for boats that you can see are watertight and simple to assemble, they are powered at 12 and 24 Volts depending on the model. Many other uses can be made of the various LED boat ceiling lights present, from a simple wardrobe light, as a led cockpit light or to illuminate a dinette storage compartment from below. Browse the models of ceiling lights, LED strips and lighting systems for boats present and filter the lists to find the right light.