Bilge pump switches and floats
In the catalog of our nautical store you can buy bilge pump floats or bilge pump switches, these boat accessories will allow you to replace or modify your bilge pump.
Switchers and panels for bilge pumps
In this section of our shop you will find all the accessories to make the operation of the bilge pump automatic. The first series of products are the floats for bilge pumps which, once connected, allow for automatic operation when a certain level of water is reached. There are also electronic switches for bilge pumps that instead of using a float operate through a sensor that activates the pump once the set threshold has been exceeded. To these are added the bilge control panels, using a 3-position switch that allows automatic or manual operation, with the central position left to the "off" function. Some of these are equipped with an alarm system, acoustic or visual, when there is the presence of water.