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Nautical hydraulics, pumps, pipes and accessories


Wide offer of boat accessories concerning nautical hydraulics for the management of white water, autoclaves, boat water tanks and sinks and black water, nautical toilet and all the hydraulic fittings and connection pipes of the system.

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Plumbing stuff

Welcome to the section of our shop dedicated to nautical hydraulics, here you can find boat accessories related to water management on board. We offer a wide choice of autoclaves, both for use and working volume, and boat water tanks of various sizes and shapes to be completed with level indicators and sensors. Basic boat accessories such as bilge pumps, both automatic immersion, usable together with floating panels or switches, and manual. We also offer extremely quiet electric toilets able to manage both the water supply and the drainage through the control panel through a single pump. The offer of our nautical shop covers stainless steel fittings of all sizes. Drinking water pipes and spiral pipes complete the boat's plumbing system by connecting all the utilities.